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“九章讲坛”第944讲 — 许鹏博 博士



报告题目: YingLong2.0: A Study of Data-driven Limited Area Model for Weather Forecasting.

报告摘要:Recently, artificial intelligence-based models for forecasting global weather have been rapidly developed. Most of the global models are trained on reanalysis datasets with a spatial resolution of 0.25◦ × 0.25◦. However, study on artificial intelligence-based limited area weather forecasting models is still limited. In this study, an artificial intelligence-based limited area weather forecasting model (YingLong) is developed. YingLong utilizes a parallel structure of global and local blocks to capture multiscale meteorological features. Its predictability on surface temperature, humidity and wind speed is comparable to the predictability of the dynamical limited area model WRF-ARW, but with a much faster running speed. YingLong is also applied to investigate the issues related to the lateral boundary condition of artificial intelligence-based limited area models. The difference between artificial intelligence-based limited area models and dynamical limited area models is also discussed.

时 间:2025年1月23日(星期四)08:30.

地 点:理工楼631



许鹏博,博士毕业于兰州大学数学与统计学院,博士指导导师是邓伟华教授,目前工作于华东师范大学数学科学学院,上海张江数学研究院。主要研究方向为 AI for Science,统计物理,随机分析等。主持一项博士后面上项目,百度松果基金,作为骨干成员参与一项国家自然科学基金委重大项目,作为两项XXX项目子课题负责人。目前在New Journal of Physics, Physical Review E等杂志上发表论文14篇。



