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“九章讲坛”第930讲 — 李佳音 博士



报告题目: Derivative-Based Finite-Volume MR-HWENO Scheme for Steady-State Problems

时 间:12月10日(星期二)14:30-15: 30


报告摘要:In this talk, we further extend the derivative-based finite-volume multi-resolution Hermite weighted essentially non-oscillatory (MR-HWENO) scheme proposed in our previous article (Li, Shu and Qiu, J. Comput. Phys., 446:110653, 2021) to simulate the steady-state problem. When dealing with the steady-state problem, the process of updating and reconstructing the function values is similar to the previous scheme, but the treatment of the derivative values is changed. To be more specific, instead of evolving in time, in the sense of cell averages, the scheme uses the derivative at the current time step and the function at the next time step to reconstruct the derivative at the next time step by direct linear interpolation. There are two advantages for this approach: the first is its high efficiency, when handling the derivative, neither the update on time nor the calculation of nonlinear weights is required; in the meantime, the CFL number can still be taken up to 0.6 as in the original scheme; the second is its strong convergence, the corresponding average residual can quickly converge to machine accuracy, thus obtaining the desired steady-state solution. One- and two-dimensional numerical experiments are given to verify the high efficiency and strong convergence of the proposed MR-HWENO scheme for the steady-state problems.



李佳音博士,现在北京大学重庆大数据研究院从事博士后研究工作,开发有限元工业软件——北达飞易,合作导师胡俊教授。2014年本科就读于中国地质大学(武汉)数学与应用数学专业,2018年直博进入厦门大学数学科学学院计算数学专业,2023年获得理学博士学位,博士生导师邱建贤教授,联合培养博士生导师是国际知名数学家舒其望教授。曾参与国防基础科研核科学挑战专题—适用一般状态方程问题的三维多介质流体力学高精度高分辨率欧拉算法,与四川中锐信息技术有限公司合作进行多介质可压缩Navier-Stokes方程ALE方法求解器及两种组件库的开发,主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项和特别资助1项,并在国际知名杂志Journal of Computational Physics、Communications in Computational Physics发表数篇文章。





