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“九章讲坛”第335讲 — 曾铁勇 教授



报告题目:The Artificial Trust Region Method for Image Recovery

时    间:2021年5月9日8:30

地    点:理工楼631报告厅

Abstract: In mathematical optimization, a trust region is the subset of the region of the objective function that is approximated using a model function (often a quadratic). If an adequate model of the objective function is found within the trust region, then the region is expanded; conversely, if the approximation is poor, then the region is contracted. Trust-region methods are also known as restricted-step methods. In this talk, we illustrate how to use a fixed trust region method for image recovery.


曾铁勇,香港中文大学数学人工智能中心主任,香港数学会理事会成员,2000年本科毕业于北京大学,2004年法国综合理工大学(Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France)获硕士学位,2007年巴黎第十三大学获得博士学位。2007-2008年在法国数学和应用研究中心从事博士后研究;2008入职香港浸会大学,先后任助理教授、副教授;2018年入职香港中文大学,任副教授。主要研究领域包括优化理论,图像处理,反问题,统计/机器学习,科学计算等。在优化、图像处理、反问题的国际一流杂志SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, International Journal of Computer Vision, Journal of Scientific Computing,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Pattern Recognition,Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,Inverse Problems & Imaging等发表过80余篇SCI论文,google学术引用两千二百余次。



