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“九章讲坛”第359讲 — 王力汉 博士



报告题目:Artificial optimal boundary conditions for three dimensional elliptic random media.



腾讯会议ID: 116 893 577

摘要:We are interested in computing the electrical field generated by a charge distribution localized on scale \ell in an infinite heterogeneous medium, in a situation where the medium is only known in a box of diameter L>>\ell around the support of the charge. We propose an artificial boundary condition that with overwhelming probability is (near) optimal with respect to scaling in terms of \ell and L, in the setting where the medium is a sample from a stationary ensemble with a finite range of dependence (set to be unity and in the regime 1<<\ell. The boundary condition is motivated by stochastic homogenization that allows for a multipole expansion [Bella, Giunti, Otto 2020]. This work extends [Lu, Otto, 2020] from two to three dimensions, which requires to take quadrupoles, next to dipoles, into account. This in turn relies on stochastic estimates of second-order, next to first-order, correctors. These estimates are provided for finite range ensembles under consideration, based on an extension of the semi-group approach of [Gloria, Otto 2015].


王力汉博士本科毕业于清华大学数学系,博士毕业于美国杜克大学,师从鲁剑锋教授。他的研究兴趣集中在应用分析、概率及数值分析领域。王力汉博士有多篇论文发表,收录在annals of applied probability、communications in mathematical sciences等国际一流期刊上。他在2021年获得鲁丁杰出博士论文奖(Rudin Prize)。稍后,他将前往卡耐基梅隆大学继续开展博士后阶段的研究工作。



