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“九章讲坛”第322讲 — 白中治 研究员



题目:Matrix Splitting Preconditioners for Higher Dimensional Spatial Fractional Diffusion Equations


腾讯会议ID:303 625 584

报告摘要:The discretizations of two- and three-dimensional spatial fractional diffusion equations with the shifted finite-difference formulas of the Grunwald-Letnikov type can result in discrete linear systems whose coefficient matrices are of the form D+T, where D is a nonnegative diagonal matrix and T is a block-Toeplitz with Toeplitz-block matrix or a block-Toeplitz with each block being block-Toeplitz with Toeplitz- block matrix. For these discrete spatial fractional diffusion matrices, we construct diagonal and block-circulant with circulant-block splitting preconditioner for the two-dimensional case, and diagonal and block- circulant with each block being block-circulant with circulant-block splitting preconditioner for the three dimensional case, to further accelerate the convergence rates of Krylov subspace iteration methods, and we analyze the eigenvalue distributions for the corresponding preconditioned matrices. Theoretical results show that except for a small number of outliners the eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrices are located within a complex disk centered at 1 with the radius being exactly less than 1, and numerical experiments demonstrate that these structured preconditioners can significantly improve the convergence behavior of the Krylov subspace iteration methods. Moreover, this approach is superior to the geometric multigrid method and the preconditioned conjugate gradient methods incorporated with the approximate inverse circulant-plus-diagonal preconditioners in both iteration counts and computing times.


白中治, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员、博士生导师,俄罗斯南部联邦大学荣誉博士、计算力学实验室创始主任,俄罗斯联邦政府基金首席科学家。曾获得国家杰出青年科学基金、冯康科学计算奖、国家教委科学技术进步奖(三等)、中国科学院青年科学家奖(二等)和国务院政府特殊津贴,并入选国家级“新世纪百千万人才工程计划” 和中国科学院百人计划(D类)。他曾多次应邀在重要国际会议上做主旨邀请报告;多次担任重要国际会议的共同主席,及组织委员会或科学委员会成员;也曾担任至少十五种国际国内学术刊物的编委。白中治研究员的主要研究领域为数值代数、数值优化、并行计算和微分方程数值解等。他为线性与非线性代数方程组和互补问题的数值求解设计了高效的串行和并行数值方法,并建立了系统深刻的收敛性理论;在《Mathematics of Computation》、《Numerische Mathematik》、《Parallel Computing》、《SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications》、《SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis》、《SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing》等学术刊物上发表科研论文200余篇(其中SCI论文180余篇),连续多次在爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单中名列前茅,并于2016、2017、2018、2019年和2020年连续五次跻身于汤森路透ISI Web of Science全球高被引科学家行列。特别,他在2003年与美国科学院、工程院和艺术科学院院士、斯坦福大学教授Gene H. Golub等所提出的HSS迭代方法被公认为是矩阵计算的里程碑,也是线性代数方程组迭代方法研究领域近二十年来最重要的进展之一。



