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“九章讲坛”第341讲 — 李进开 教授



报告题目:Commutator estimates on bounded domains and applications to IBVP to compressible Navier-Stokes equations

报告摘要:In this talk, we will present estimates on two kinds of commutators defined on bounded domains: one is a natural extension in the case of general bounded domains of the classic Riesz commutator and the other is that of the spatial derivatives with the solution mapping of the co-normal derivative problem of the Laplacian. These two kinds of commutators arise in studying the IBVP to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with Navier slip boundary conditions. As an application of these commutator estimates as well as a BMO estimate for the gradient of solutions to the Lame system subject to the Navier slip boundary conditions, we establish the global well-posedness of strong solutions to the isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations with general Navier slip boundary conditions on general boundary domains, under the condition that the initial energy is small. The initial vacuum is allowed.

时 间:5月13日(星期四)10:00

地 点:理工楼518




李进开,华南师范大学华南数学应用与交叉研究中心教授,博士生导师,国家特聘青年专家,曾获得“2020世界华人数学家联盟最佳论文奖”金奖(2020 ICCM Best Paper Award)以及“第二届中国科协优秀科技论文”奖。主要从事流体动力学方程方面的研究,主要包括大气海洋动力学偏微分方程(以Primitive Equations为代表)、Navier-Stokes方程组、复杂流体等。目前已在包括CPAM, Adv. Math, JFA, ARMA, CPDE, SIMA等国际学术期刊上发表论文多篇,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项及省部级基金3项。



