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"九章讲坛"第六十六讲 — 李学良 教授



报 告 1:On rainbow disconnections of graphs

时  间:5月23日上午8:30

地  点:齐云楼815 报告厅

摘  要: Let G be an edge-colored connected graph. An edge-cut R of G is called a rainbow cut if no two edges in R are colored with a same color. An edge-colored graph G is called rainbow disconnected if for every pair of vertices u and v of G, there exists a u-v rainbow cut in G separating them. For a connected graph G, the rainbow disconnection number of G, denoted by rd(G), is defined as the smallest number of colors that are needed in order to make G rainbow disconnected. In this talk we will summarize the main results on this new graph parameter. Some open questions are also presented.

报 告 2:The asymptotic value of graph energy for random graphs with degree-based weights

时  间:5月23日上午10:30

地  点:齐云楼815 报告厅

摘  要: This talk is on the energy of weighted random graphs , in which each edge ij takes the weight , where is a random variable, the degree of vertex v in the random graph of Erdös--Rényi model, and f is a symmetric real function on two variables. Suppose for some constants , and then, for almost all graphs G in , the energy of G is . Consequently, with this one basket we can get the asymptotic values of various kinds of graph energies of chemical use, such as Randić energy, ABC energy, and energies of random matrices obtained from various kinds of degree-based chemical indices.


李学良,南开大学组合数学中心副主任。1991年获得荷兰特温特大学博士学位,1999年任西北大学特聘教授,2011年当选为国际数学化学科学院院士,2014年当选为该科学院副主席,现任中国数学会理事、中国运筹学会理事、中国组合数学与图论学会理事长。主要从事图论与组合优化、计算机科学理论、离散数学及应用等方面的研究和教学工作。在国际重要学术期刊J. Combin. Theory B,Siam J. Comput.,J. Math. Chem.等上发表论文百余篇,5000余篇次被国内外同行学者的论著引用;出版专著3部,在国外出版著作共10部;出版译著2部。主持国家自然科学基金项目9项,参加国家自然科学基金项目5项,承担“973”项目2项和国家自然科学基金重点项目2项。担任《Graphs and Combinatorics》和《MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry》等10种国际杂志编委,《应用数学学报》和《数学进展》等4种国内杂志编委,20余次(每次一年、半年、三个月等)应邀去美国、荷兰、英国、日本、意大利、香港、墨西哥等国家和地区的大学和研究所进行合作研究和学术交流。




