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"九章讲坛"第五十八讲 — 汪守宏 教授



报告题目:Field Theoretical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanical Wave Functions and the Mechanism of High Tc Superconductivity

时  间:2019年5月15日(星期三)下午16:00

地  点:齐云楼911报告厅

Abstract: First, we introduce a new field theoretical interpretation of quantum mechanical wave functions, by postulating that the wave function is the common wave function for all particles in the same class determined by the external potential V, the square of the modulus of the wave function represents the distribution density of the particles, and the gradient of phase of the wave function provides the velocity field of the particles. Second, we show that the key for condensation of bosonic particles is that their interaction is sufficiently weak to ensure that a large collection of boson particles are in a state governed by the same condensation wave function field under the same bounding potential V. For superconductivity, the formation of superconductivity comes down to conditions for the formation of electron-pairs, and for the electron-pairs to share a common wave function. Thanks to the recently developed PID interaction potential of electrons and the average-energy level formula of temperature, these conditions for superconductivity are explicitly derived. Furthermore, we obtain both microscopic and macroscopic formulas for the critical temperature. Third, we derive the field and topological phase transition equations for condensates, and make connections to the quantum phase transition, as a topological phase transition.




